Menu of Classes
Workshops & Series – Yoga – Author Spotlight – Immersions & Teacher Trainings – Retreats

Join us for our first annual Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion
Learn the full system of yoga during our first annual Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion and become a certified MO-Yogi! You will establish a powerful physical practice rooted in the wisdom of functional movement and learn how Buddhism and the science of yoga perfectly complement one another. Your teachers, Allison Joy, Joseph Schwartz, and MO Founder, Karuna, have crafted an odyssey to completely blow your mind!
This is for you if,
- You are new to yoga and meditation but feel ready to really dive in!
- You have been practicing but still feel timid or lost in a yoga class.
- You meditate regularly and want to incorporate more movement into your practice.
- You want to re-engage, reignite, or recommit to your practice.
- Your physical practice is on point but you want to go deeper!
- You are curious about chakras and the philosophy of yoga.
Watch the Q&A with Allison Joy, Joseph Schwartz, and Karuna here!

Anatomy + Alignment with Joseph Schwartz
Five Workshop Series (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
22 March; 12 April; 19 May; 7 June; 28 June 2021
Mondays at 6:30pm CT (2 hours)
A dedicated yogi and movement master of 40+ years, Joseph will ensure that you understand from the ground up how the muscles, fascia, bones, and joints are working in your practice. Hint: It starts with your breath!
This series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this module independently.

Principles of Asana Alignment: A Master Class with Elizabete Gomes
Three-hour workshop (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
27 March 2021
Saturday at 9:00am CT (3 hours)
- Learn to raise, direct, sustain, release & ground energy (kundalini);
- Understand how the major aspects of the energetic system (chakras, nadis, prana, vayus & granthis) work together;
- Examine levels of consciousness & the energy on which they resonate;
- Explore energetics through skeletal alignment, muscular engagement, and cultivating breath sensitivity.
The Master Class series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this workshop independently.

Forward Folding: A Master Class with Karlie Lemos
Three-hour workshop (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
3 April 2021
Saturday at 9:00am CT (3 hours)
The Master Class series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this workshop independently.

Astral Anatomy: The Energetic Path to Awakening with
Michael Hewett
Four-week Series (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
7 – 28 April 2021
Wednesdays at 6:30pm CT (2 hours)
- Learn to raise, direct, sustain, release & ground energy (kundalini);
- Understand how the major aspects of the energetic system (chakras, nadis, prana, vayus & granthis) work together;
- Examine levels of consciousness & the energy on which they resonate;
- Explore energetics through skeletal alignment, muscular engagement, and cultivating breath sensitivity.
This series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this module independently.

Sun & Moon Wisdom: A Master Class with Allison Joy
Three-hour workshop (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
10 April 2021
Saturday at 9:00am CT (3 hours)
The Master Class series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this workshop independently.

The Yoga of Nutrition: A Master Yoga Class & Roundtable
Three-hour workshop (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
17 April 2021
Saturday at 9:00am CT (3 hours)
The Master Class series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this workshop independently.

Revealing Your Peaceful Vibrance: A Master Class with Turi Hetherington
Three-hour workshop (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
24 April 2021
Saturday at 9:00am CT (3 hours)
“There is nothing stronger in the world than tenderness.” Han Suyin
The Master Class series is part of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. You can also enroll in this workshop independently.

A Gentle Journey with Turi Hetherington
Eight-week Yoga & Meditation Series
28 April – 16 June 2021
Wednesdays at 11:00am CT (90 minutes)
time zone converter
Join Turi for an 8-week exploration of rest and awakening of body, mind, and heart through the practices of gentle yoga and iRest® yoga nidra. When it comes to yoga, what we need the most is final resting pose! In this series, you will:
- Learn the science and philosophy behind iRest Yoga Nidra
- Explore the 10-step protocol of iRest Yoga Nidra
- Move your body to unwind built-up stress and tension in your hips, back, and shoulders
- Deeply calm your nervous system
- Learn how to integrate difficult thoughts & emotions
- Awaken to your essential nature of vibrance, peace, and ease
- Enhance your sense of joy, equanimity, and well-being in daily life
If you miss a session – they’re recorded and available within 48 hours.
Join anytime and receive access to all sessions.
Register for the 2021 MO Yoga Immersion and receive an All Access Pass to every Mind Oasis series through 15 July!

Mantra, Music, Meditation, & Magic: The Bhakti Yoga Experience a Master Class with Maria Novak
Three-hour workshop (included with MO Yoga Immersion)
8 May 2021
Saturday at 9:00am CT (3 hours)

Lunar Cycle Yoga
with Jennifer Kurdyla
Four-week Yoga & Ayurveda Series
6 – 27 June 2021
Sundays at 10:00am CT (75 minutes)
In this series, we’ll use techniques from yoga asana, Ayurveda, meditation, and pranayama to explore the natural phases of hormonal rise and fall over the course of a lunar month, timed with the dawning of the New Moon.
From that quiet, dark place of wisdom, through the propulsion and intensity of the full moon, and back, the lunar phases offer moments for us to reflect on our constantly changing nature, and build resilience for those changes that have become inextricable from pandemic life.
If you miss a session – they’re recorded and available within 48 hours.
Join anytime and receive access to all sessions.
Register for the 2021 MO Yoga Immersion and receive an All Access Pass to every Mind Oasis series through 15 July!
Ongoing Series with Videos Available

Mind/Body Merge: Yoga FOR Meditation
with Christina Ionno
Four-week Series
Mondays at 9:00am CT (75 minutes)
1-22 February 2021
Strengthen the mind/body connection with this Dharma-infused meditation and asana series. Each class will have a different theme and type of meditation with a corresponding yoga sequence. Expect to develop sharper concentration skills, stretch your capacity to love oneself (and others), unlock guidance from within, and discover where your reality truly comes from. Hint, hint…it’s YOU! In partnership with Dakini Lounge.
If you miss a session – they’re recorded and available within 48 hours.

A Non-Violent World Begins In Our Mind
with Natalie Hain
Six-week series
3 February – 10 March 2021
Wednesdays at 9:00am CT (75 minutes)
Ahimsa is the practice on non-violence. During this 6-week series Natalie will guide you through short but sweet yoga flows and meditations focused on non-violence. Thoughts of resentment, criticism, disappointment, or guilt are ways we may practice violence with ourselves. During this series we will intentionally look at the ways in which we can create a more loving, compassionate relationship with ourselves. Through yoga and meditation we can begin to see clearly the ways in which we can be better to ourselves, which will ripple out into the world. In order to live in a more peaceful, non-violent world we must start within!
If you miss a session – they’re recorded and available within 48 hours.

Building Blocks of Yoga with Allison Joy
Five-week series
Fridays 11:00am CT (1 hour)
29 January – 26 February 2021
This series will focus on the fundamental postures of yoga (asana) and basic movements for spinal and joint health. Students will come away with a strong base of understanding to build a personal yoga practice at home. Together we will learn a basic yoga sequence to build on based on what is needed in the moment.
If you miss a session – they’re recorded and available within 48 hours.

FREE! 5-Day Yoga Challenge
Five-day video series
Practice at your own pace
Challenge yourself to five days of FUN yoga practice! Join Mind Oasis teacher, Allison Joy, for movement linking body, mind, and spirit, guided by the breath. In each recording, we flow, stretch, and strengthen together. In this series, we work up to peak poses breaking down the elements of each posture throughout the class. Variations for each pose are offered for you to practice at your level of comfort.
Menu of Classes
Workshops & Series – Yoga – Author Spotlight – Intensive & Teacher Training – Retreats