About the Yoga Immersion – High Level

Expert yogi Michael Hewett is leading this 3-month Yoga Immersion! He will take students through yoga asana and yoga philosophy sessions each week, including his signature Astral Anatomy series that discusses the interplay between the subtle body, how you appear to yourself and the animal body,  how you appear to everyone else. Including how to  access and direct the subtle body through physical, emotional, and mental practices.

In addition to studying with this expert yogi. Movement master, Joseph Schwartz brings functional anatomy and movement sessions that are designed to get you in your body and owning your movement!  Mind Oasis Founder and Executive Director Karuna shares weekly Tibetan Buddhist practices designed to amplify and align your life through actual practices you can use in every moment to work with this life you’re experiencing!

This Immersion is for you if:

  • You are new to yoga and meditation but feel ready to really dive in!

  • You have been practicing but still feel timid or lost in a yoga class.

  • You meditate regularly and want to incorporate more movement into your practice.

  • You want to re-engage, reignite, or recommit to your practice.

  • Your physical practice is on point but you want to go deeper!

  • You are curious about chakras and the philosophy of yoga.

Weekly Schedule
6:30 – 8:30pm CT
Tuesday – Movement Lab with Michael and Joseph Schwartz, a movement master
Wednesday – Yoga Philosophy with Michael

5:00 – 5:45pm CT
Thursday – Snail Yoga with Karuna

6:00 – 7:00pm CT
Thursday – Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and Dharma Talks with Karuna

Saturdays and Sundays – Master Classes with Guest Teachers

All the Details – For all you Geeks in the House….

We combine classical yoga philosophy, lineage-based Buddhist teachings, and postural instruction informed by solid functional movement principles to build a strong, safe, sustainable yoga practice for life. Yoga offers a complete system to connect to and create your heart’s desire.

The Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion presents age-old practices translated for the modern human.  It’s designed to keep (or get) you healthy and whole as a being working out your purpose in this lifetime.

In this immersion, you’ll learn:

  • Real self-care (rooted in Ayurvedic science) to invite radiant health and vitality;

  • Yoga postures from basic to intermediate (child’s pose to balancing poses);

  • Pranayama (breath) practices to engage the subtle body;

  • Anatomy of the physical and energetic bodies;

  • Buddhist philosophy handed down through master teachers;

  • Alignment and anatomy principles to better understand how you move (and how to keep you moving!), and

  • How to incorporate sacred practice to experience spirit in your life.

You will learn about different paths of yoga and have the opportunity to practice various styles from numerous master teachers including those deeply-trained and well-practiced in Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Bhakti, Iyengar, iRest, Anusara and many other yoga traditions. The system of yoga is both deep and broad and this immersion will help you to discern the best path forward based on your constitutional nature. Learning and practice go hand-in-hand to create an immersive yoga experience with the Mind Oasis community to support you as you dive deep.

The Yoga Immersion experience includes 8 hours of classes each week as part of the curriculum content.

Additionally, you will receive an All Access pass to all Mind Oasis yoga classes, meditation series, and workshops to attend during the Immersion.

This opportunity to enrich your practice and your entire life is priceless.

The curriculum includes:

  • One evening per week (2 hours) dedicated to breaking down yoga postures and understanding your own physical body more deeply;

  • One evening per week (2 hours) dedicated to yoga philosophy, subtle body concepts (e.g., chakras and koshas), and Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga);

  • One evening per week  (1 hour) dedicated to Buddhist philosophy, plus a yoga session so gentle a snail could do it; and

  • Saturday and/or Sunday mornings (2 hours) dedicated to weekly Master Classes and diving deep with our stellar line-up of rockstar teachers.

It is recommended that you commit to attend these sessions each week, as well as making space for daily practice with Mind Oasis yoga and meditation classes (or your own home practice).

In this way, you become truly immersed in the yogic lifestyle over these three months.

Michael Hewett will lead you through weekly yoga asana and philosophy sessions that are carefully curated for the needs and desires of the group.

Joseph Schwartz will teach functional movement principles based on human anatomy and body mechanics. His expertise is rooted in science and tested with hundreds of clients over his career as a physical therapist and movement educator.

Karuna, Founder of Mind Oasis, will impart the wisdom she has received through studying ancient Buddhist lineage-based teachings and incorporating these practices deeply into her own life and work.

Yoga is all about union. These masters of their craft, together with the excellent contributing teachers of the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion, exemplify the way of the yogi and will lead you to experience true integration of your practice within your life.




1 April – 29 June 2022

Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm CT

Thursday evenings, 5:00-5:45pm & 6:00-7:00pm CT

Saturday and Sunday mornings, TBD

REQUIRED opening and closing ceremonies:

Friday, 1 April(6:30-8:30pm CT)

Wednesday, 29 June (6:30-7:30pm CT)

It is preferred that you attend live classes whenever possible as community is a vital aspect of yoga.


  • 120+ curriculum hours;

  • All Access pass to every Mind Oasis yoga class, meditation series, workshop, and community gathering for the duration of the Yoga Immersion;

  • The Applied Anatomy for Yoga Therapeutics Manual written by Joseph Schwartz (spiral-bound book mailed to you);

Required Reading:

How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roach

Suggested Reading:

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews

The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book by Kelly Solloway


$2000 Yoga Immersion

  • Previous MO Meditation Immersion grads and Vessel Homies get 50% off.
  • Payment Plan (4 payments of $550 – paid in full by 15 June)
  • Save $200 when you join with a friend