Sallie is a yoga teacher, Āyurvedic Health Counselor, bonus mom and lifetime learner currently living in West Virginia.She has over fourteen years of yoga teaching experience and is also a certified Yin yoga and AIReal yoga teacher, and a Yoga for 12-Step Recovery leader. She is a 2021 graduate of the Mind Oasis meditation immersion. Sallie has a PhD in the humanities and spent twenty years in academia, studying and teaching literature, critical thinking and cultural studies. When she was still working as a professor, she woke up one day and realized she had written ten pages in her sleep, which was a not-so-subtle indication her life was woefully out of balance. In that moment, she made the decision to leave academia and pursue a more balanced yet equally impassioned life centered on yoga, philosophy and wellness. She believes that yoga and meditation are both inherently activist practices, and although that activism may look different for everyone, it nonetheless has the potential to make a lasting difference in the world. Essentially, meditation can encourage people to make “good trouble.” Sallie approaches most things, including her meditation practice, with an energetic and passionate optimism. She seeks to empower people through compassion and understanding. Sallie guides meditation sessions based in kindness and acceptance, with an occasional dash of philosophy, and she always considers who arrives and what they need. When she is not teaching yoga, working with Āyurveda clients or guiding meditation, Sallie loves to travel, read, crochet, practice her harmonium and create personalized tea mixes. Her favorite things, however, are spending time with her family and her chihuahua-pitbull mix, Rumi.