Become a sponsor of Community Meditation in 2021

We are looking for one business or person to sponsor each month of Community Meditation. Community Meditation is the heart and soul of Mind Oasis. Each day we serve up multiple opportunities to come together in online group meditation. Group meditation is an exceptionally potent practice as it helps to build unity and friendship that surpasses boundaries, while providing participants a touchstone for a consistent meditation practice. The cost of sponsorship is $1,000 for a month of support.

Benefits include:

    • Verbal thanks during each session (120+ sessions each month) – audience size 130pp/week
    • Inclusion of name or logo in each newsletter (minimum 4x month) – audience 3500 contacts with average 22% open rate
    • One-Year All Access Membership for you or your guest of choice (value $200)
    • Plus you’ll be joining a growing number of individuals and business who are supporting the Mind Oasis vision of Connecting a Compassionate Global Community.

Mind Oasis is doing exceptional work and you can be proud to have your name associated with the community of practitioners that shows up each day for online group meditation.

There are many fun ways to engage a sponsorship:

  • Celebrate a birthday or anniversary or other milestone
  • Remember someone special
  • Promote your business

I’m in! Now what?

  • Make your donation to the year-end fundraiser below
  • Karuna will email you to select the month you would like to sponsor and to get the verbiage and any logo/pic you’d like us to share with the community

Even if you aren’t personally into meditation, the benefits of meditation abound and you can be a part of bringing these timeless benefits to anyone wishing to befriend their mind:

    • greater empathy
    • calm
    • and space to respond instead of reacting

After this wild ride of 2020, it feels like these are some of the skills humanity needs most now. Become a part of the solution by sponsoring a month of Community Meditation on Mind Oasis.

How is the work Mind Oasis is doing helping this aching world?
Community Meditation is an online meditation community and it is the heart and soul of Mind Oasis. Since the eruption of the pandemic, Mind Oasis removed barriers of entry so anyone can join these group meditation sessions, including:

    • free membership
    • multiple opportunities to practice each day
    • Plus the ability to engage with others before and after class to combat the loneliness and isolation so many of us are feeling

By doing so, Mind Oasis has seen an uptick in registration by 400% (yes, you read that right) and daily participation is up 72% from 2019.
No one else is doing this in the world quite like Mind Oasis. No one.This free resource is here to help combat the loneliness, isolation, and stress so many of us are experiencing in this pandemic world.

Your sponsorship ensures Mind Oasis can continue to offer this free global community service into 2021 and beyond!