Welcome Three Jewels friends!
Congratulations on taking the Meditate for Good Challenge.
Community Meditation on Mind Oasis provides live interactive online meditation sessions with other practitioners. 30-minute sessions help you to establish and maintain a consistent, rooted meditation practice. You can join daily sessions from anywhere in the world via your phone or computer. Video or call-in, the choice is yours.
Keep the fun going! Coupon Code: 3JEWELS gets you free access to this growing meditation community for two whole months. Offer good through December 31st.
Mind Oasis is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to bringing the timeless benefits of meditation to practitioners worldwide. Welcome!
Meditate Together Anywhere
Sharing your meditation practice with others on Community Meditation not only brings the myriad benefits of meditation – like the potential for a calmer mind and more open peaceful heart – it also helps you to connect with other like-minded practitioners. Belief in the power of a meditation practice is the golden string that binds our community no matter where in the world they join via the Zoom platform to practice!
“The impact of Community Meditation is deep. It allows students from different places and backgrounds to come together. People who may never have met before can meditate together which strengthens everyone’s sense of community. Teaching on Mind Oasis has deepened my love for meditation. It gives me the discipline to sit almost daily so I can be better for my students and the MO community.” -Natalie Hain, Community Meditation Teacher
Live Guided Meditation and Community – Enjoy Two Months Free!
Use Coupon Code: 3JEWELS
- Community Meditation on Mind Oasis provides affordable, interactive guidance with other practitioners.
- Our 30-minute sessions help you to establish and/or maintain a consistent, rooted meditation practice. Start your day off right!
- Join with or without video.
- Enjoy discussion with your guide and/or fellow meditators – or simply bask in the quietude at the end of each session.
- Whether you’re a beginner getting started or a seasoned practitioner, you’ll find connection and expand your practice on Community Meditation.
- Our guides are experienced and well-qualified to help you move forward on your own personal journey.
Come for the meditation. Stay for the connection. Leave feeling energized.
“Community Meditation has made such a difference in my emotional and spiritual health. My time with this online group is a comfort, joy, and a bright light of hope. It connects me with a community that I don’t get anywhere else. It has made a huge impact on my life!” ~- Robin
*After the free trial, the subscription is just $20 month